Peach Cobbler Oatmeal

Oatmeal has become my go to quick breakfast or breaking fast meal. It can be made into so many different flavors. Find the flavors you like and create the meal that is healthy and will fuel your body with long lasting energy. I always add in a healthy fat and protein to my oatmeal. If I don’t add in protein, I pair with an egg or turkey sausage.

We now have supplements with the FASTer Way To Fat Loss. The protein and collagen are a must for me. This helps me hit my protein goals. Plus they taste good.

Pairing proteins and fats with carbohydrates (oatmeal, potatoes etc) will help keep your blood glucose level, keep you fuller longer and give you the energy until it is time to eat again.

Bon Appetit

1/4 cup peaches in natural juice
1/4 cup apple sauce unsweetened
1/2 cup oats
1 tablespoon chia seeds
1 serving of vanilla protein
1/2 cup or more almond milk

Mix, refrigerate 6 plus hours. Heat to temperature you like. I like mine cool not hot. Top with granola, coconut or your favorite nut.

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